Posted by: AngelicView | October 13, 2013

Dutchsinse: “They Offered Me the World”

AngelicView: I can’t really offer my opinion on this but I just wanted to get it out there.

A video was posted today 10/12/13 by Dutchsinse claiming that he, as well as many other prominent You-Tubers have been approached to assist in rolling out a master plan that will affect the entire world. 

In the vid, he explains that the You-Tubers have been offered large sums of money and diplomatic immunity from the UN in exchange for their help. What is their task? Apparently, it is to get the message out to the masses who have become highly distrustful of MSM… To win over the “hearts and minds” of the people, and to explain how this will shape and control our lives. The plan involves the overthrowing of the central banking system and the redistribution of wealth to the entire world population.

According to the limited info provided, the White Dragon Society is acting in conjunction with the One Peoples Public Trust. In order to participate in this plan, those approached must submit personal info and documents including passports and fingerprints. It is also mandatory that one swears and signs an oath to OPPT. The oath includes certain things involving Thelemic ideology, the teachings of Alister Crowley, and the promise to take part in the overthrowing of the central banking system for the purpose of wealth redistribution.

He claims that there were a large number of You-Tubers contacted, and that many are already cooperating with WDS and OPPT, but that even the ones who turned down the offer are too scared to come forward and expose what they know.


  1. Give me, give me. It makes sense to use facilities that can reach out beyond the normal media. Obviously the battle lines have been drawn and it is a case of sticking with what exist at the moment or going the OPT route. I don’t partake of the system so I am removed from many of the concerns but something needs to be done to rebalance the system.

  2. Might well have been the CIA or similar acting as someone else. The Crowley part makes it suspicious.

  3. He has principals!!! I like that, and him.

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